(2) This page contains the website’s general terms and conditions of use. By accessing or using the website (hereafter "using"), all users and visitors (hereafter "users") acknowledge the validity of the general terms and conditions of use. The WALTER GROUP reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time at its own discretion.
(3) Alternatives for registered users:
By clicking on the “Agree” or the “Send” button, users agree to the website’s terms and conditions as being binding to them. The WALTER GROUP reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at its own discretion. Users must again consent to the amended terms and conditions as described above by clicking on the “Agree” or “Send” button if they wish to continue availing themselves of the services of the WALTER GROUP.
(4) The WALTER GROUP offers industry and company-related information for clients, transport partners and requesters on its website. Some services (e.g. LOADS TODAY, customer platform CONNECT, CONTAINEX portal) are only accessible for registered users.
(5) The WALTER GROUP is entitled to discontinue the website in whole or in part and to alter content and services at its sole discretion. The WALTER GROUP does not guarantee uninterrupted availability of its website. No claims may be asserted with respect to the use or maintenance of the WALTER GROUP website.